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Марко Поло - пътешествие към Ориента - Marco Polo - Tarot of the Journey to the
Карти Таро Марко Поло - пътешествие към Ориента - Marco Polo - Tarot of the Journey to the
Marco Polo - Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Pietro Alligo & Riccardo Minetti
Artwork by Severino Baraldi.
78 cards - 66x120 mm. Instructions - Available in: I, Uk, F, D, Es.
The journey of the Venetian explorer along the Silk Road represents the first documented encounter between the West and East. The symbology of the Tarot is therefore duplicated and compared in the dialogue and in the confrontation between the cultures of these two hemispheres. Marco Polo's travels and adventures on his long journey are the inspiration for this deck.
LoScarabeo tarot. |
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гр. София - център, п.к. 1000, ул. Солунска 48, вход от ул. Цар Самуил.
Дария 2001 ЕООД
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- от вторник до петък: 11:00-19:00 ч.
- събота: 13:00-17:00 ч.
- Неделя и понеделник: почивни дни.